Welcome to my site.

Its nice to meet you. My name is Daniel and I am a writer. It’s been ten minutes since I last put pen to paper.

Of all the addictions I’ve had in my life I would say reading and wriitng have given me the most pleasure. They have helped me make sense and laugh at this frankly ridiculous world in which we live.

On my site you will find information about books I’ve written, books I’m writing and books I’ve enjoyed. So if you don’t like books, you are probably in the wrong place. 

I will also be sharing things from the depths of my brain. in the section of my site I have rather clevely named ‘The depths of Daniel’s brain’ . I hope this section doesn’t offend too many people but as a disclaimer I would like to say that views expressed from the depths of my brain have not passed through any social filters and should not be considered the opinion of the rest of my mind. If that sounds a bit confusing then perhaps I should provide an example:

Depths of Daniel’s brain when standing on a cliff edge: ‘I wonder what it would be like to jump off. Would it be like flying? Lets do it!’

Rest of Daniel’s brain (luckily with veto power): ‘This is a bad idea, we would die.’

So why risk exposing the world to ‘The depths of Daniel’s brain’, you might ask. That is a very good question, well done. If I might pose a question in response. Which makes a better story, a man glancing nervously over a cliff edge or a man running and jumping off the cliff, madly flapping his arms with a huge grin on his face?